Terms of Use


1. Introduction 

QQuant Master Servicer Servicing of Loans and Credits Single Member SA” (hereinafter the “Quant“) acts on behalf of credit institutions or credit purchasers or financial institutions and manages claims granted to individuals and enterprises from credit or financial institutions that are based or legally established in the European Union. Quant is based in Athens, at 66 Kifissias Avenue, PC 15125, Maroussi, and is registered in the General Commercial Registry under number: 143190101000. 

Quant has been lawfully licensed by the Bank of Greece by virtue of  Resolutions no. 247/14.11.2017 and 505/28.06.2024 of the Credit and Insurance Committee of the Bank of Greece, in accordance with Greek Laws no 4354/2015 and 5072/2023, along with the Bank’ s of Greece  Executive Committee Acts no. 118/19.5.2017 and 225/30.01.2024, as in force.

The Terms of Use contained herein, together with the Personal Data Protection Policy, for the use of our Website, and more specifically, the “” Webpage (hereinafter the “Webpage“) constitute the overall agreement between Quant and the visitor/ user of the Webpage for their use. 

Please read the following Terms of Use carefully, as they govern access and navigation on the Webpage and on the Platform, their use by you, your registration on the Platform and the ability to use the services provided by the Platform. 

The Webpage and the Platform are jointly referred to herein as the “Website“.

2. Acceptance of the Terms of Use

The use of the Webpage and the Platform is considered as a full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms of Use. 

In order to complete your registration on the Platform you must definately select the field “ Please tick to confirm you have read and accepted our Terms of Use  and the  Personal Data Protection Policy“. 

The visitor / user is bound by the Terms of Use at each visit to the Webpage and the Platform. We draw your attention to the fact that only if you agree to the Terms of Use you can make use of our Website, register to the Platform and navigate on the Webpage and the Platform.

3. Obligations of visitor and user

The visitor of the Webpage as well as the registered on the Platform user (hereinafter jointly referred to as “Users” or “User”) is allowed to use the Website and its content only for legitimate purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use, the rules of greek, european and international law, the legislation governing  telecommunications, acting in good faith and in accordance with accepted principles of morality. He/she should also not encourage any illegal activity or other activity that violates the rights of Quant or third parties and refrain from any action restricting or preventing third parties from using the Website. 

The User must not attempt to analyse or test the vulnerability of the Website, not take any action that unduly or excessively burdens the infrastructure or systems of the Website or the Quant networks or any network connected to the Website, protect the Website from viruses and other malware, as well as respect the security and identification measures implemented by the Website or the networks connected to it. 

The User is prohibited from attempting to gain illegal access to any information, in particular to personal data of other Users, unity or functionality of the Webpage and the Platform or any other system or network connected to the Website, nor to the Services proposed to it, by hacking or the use of any other unlawful means, such as mechanisms, programs, algorithms or other automated methods for the purpose of obtaining data, documents or information.

Finally, the User is responsible to have the necessary secure electronic equipment (e.g. personal computer, mobile, tablet), software, telecommunications equipment, antivirus program, and any service required in order to connect and gain access to the Website. 

4. Limitation of Liability

Quant makes every possible effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of the information distributed on the Webpage and on the Platform and reserves the right to rectify and amend, at any time, without notice, their content. Quant applies widely accepted security standards, antivirus programs and protection systems.

Despite our best effort, we cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, integrity, timeliness, technical perfection, accuracy, clarity, suitability, validity, availability, uninterrupted transmission of information and the content of the Website and its use or access to it.

In no event, including that of negligence, shall we be held liable for any damage may be caused to you due to the use of the Website and the information contained therein.

As Users of the Website, you agree that you use it solely at your own risk and initiative and any information we provide to you through the Website does not constitute, directly or indirectly, an exhortation or advice for the performance of any contract, transaction or other act resulting in financial results. You must review and evaluate the information provided and act based on your private will. We are not liable for damages or disputes arising from the use of the information contained on the Website.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Quant and Users, and to the maximum extent provided for by applicable law, Quant shall provide the services of the Website and its content “as is” for personal use and does not engage in any express, tacit or other statement or warranty relating to the Website and its use. Indicatively and not restrictively, Quant does not make statements and guarantees of non-infringement or absence of hidden or other defects, accuracy or absence of errors,  recognizable or not. 

Quant has no liability for: (A) errors, inaccuracies, (B) any damage (property or moral) that would result from the use of the Website, (C) any interruption, cessation, poor quality of the provision of the services of the Website, (D) viruses, trojan horses, which may be transmitted by the Website or any third party who is using the Website, and, (E) any error deriving from  deed or omission regarding the content of the Website or for any damage caused by the use of the content of the Website.  

In the absence of any other compulsory legal regulation, Quant will in no way be liable towards the Users on the basis of any legal reasoning relating to specific, accidental or caused damages resulting from the use of the Website even if Quant is aware of the likelihood of the occurrence of these damages. Users expressly accept that Quant will not be liable for the content or any unlawful or offensive behavior of any User or third party and fully accept the risk of any infringement or damage deriving from the above reasons. 

It is expressly agreed that in the event that any action, claim, administrative or judicial, arising out of any form of violation by the Users is brought against Quant, the Users undertake the obligation to intervene in the relevant court proceedings, as well as to compensate Quant in case it is obliged to pay compensation or other expenses but also for any damage it may suffer.

If Users do not respect these Terms of Use and if Quant does not react immediately, this does not mean that Quant waives its rights to act thereafter. 

5. Intellectual and Industrial Property

All content on the Website, including indicatively but not restrictively, trademarks, distinctive features, texts, news, provided services, names and descriptions of products and services, software, illustrations, presentation and structure of content, images, photographs, belongs to Quant and is governed by the relevant national and international provisions, in particular relating to intellectual property and industrial property, with the exception of protected rights of third parties. 

All trademarks, distinctive features and products of intellectual property of third parties that may appear on the Website are protected under the responsibility of their legitimate beneficiaries.

Without Quant’s prior written authorisation, it is not permitted to, in whole or in part, modify, copy, publish, transmit, transfer, reproduce, distribute, delete, present or in any other way or  means  use of the content of Quant’s Website for commercial , or for other purposes. 

By way of exception, the individual copying, printing or storing of the aforementioned information is allowed for personal use of the Users, provided that it will be accompanied by an express and distinct reference to their source of origin and that they it will not be used for commercial or other purpose. It is explicitly clarified that in no case can it be considered that we hereby grant you in any way intellectual property rights.

6. Link to third party websites

Through special links (links, hyperlinks, banners), you may be led through the Website to third party websites. The content of such websites is created under the sole responsibility of their legitimate owners. Quant does not guarantee their availability and is not liable for the content, correctness, legality, completeness, timeliness and accuracy of the information they contain, nor for the quality and properties of the products or services available from the above websites. The reference to other websites is made only for the convenience of the Users and does not in any way create any form of commitment or guarantee or encouragement or approval on the part of Quant, either for the content or for the quality of the services provided. The websites to which you can be referred are governed by independent and separate terms of use. 

7. Protection of Personal Data

Quant is committed to protecting your personal data and complying with the relevant provisions of personal data protection, the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016, Law 4624/2019 and any other relevant provision, as currently in force. 

As Users of the Webpage and the Platform we inform you that we process your personal data that we already have legally in our possession and, in addition, with the use of the Website, you provide us with your personal data, indicatively as the ones mentioned below in term 10.1., as well as IP address, time and date of the visit to the Webpage or the Platform. 

Quant implements appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure the security of records containing personal data collected from the Website. 

The transmission of information via the Internet is not entirely secure and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of your data when they are transmitted to the Website and any such transmission is made at your own risk. From the moment we receive your information, we use strict security procedures and applications in order to prevent unauthorised dissemination, access or other unfair processing of your Personal Data. 

The information collected by our Website is used for the purposes stated at the time of the collection. Quant may also disclose data to other members of the Group, namely its affiliates, the parent company and its subsidiaries, as well as to service providers to whom we have contractually assigned the provision of services on its behalf. Finally, Quant may carry out cross-border transfer of Personal Data, subject to the conditions laid down by the applicable legislation.

More information about your personal data that we process and your legal rights as data subjects can be found in the Personal Data Protection Policy, which we ask you to read carefully. It is an integral part of these Terms of Use and can be found at posted on the Webpage and on the Platform. 

8. Minors

Quant understands the importance of protecting the privacy of minors, especially in an online environment. The Website is not specifically designed for or addressed to minors and we do not knowingly collect or retain information about minors. If we  realise that we have collected any personal information from a minor, we will erase the information from our database as soon as possible. If you believe that we may have collected information from a minor, please contact us directly in the ways described at the end of the Terms of Use.

9. Use of Cookies and Confidentiality 

We use Cookies on the Website for different purposes, with the aim of providing a safe and effective environment for Users. For more information refer to the Cookies Policy.


10.1. Introduction

While you can browse in any field of the Webpage, in order to access the Services of the Platform you must register to it. The right to register and make use of the Platform is granted exclusively to persons over 18 years of age who hold Taxpayer Identification Number (hereinafter “TIN”) and Customer Code given to them by Quant. If you do not meet these criteria registration to the Platform is not allowed. Please note that the personal information you enter during your registration must be valid. In order to use the Services of the Platform, you must register at the Platform and enter the Services provided by the Platform (hereinafter altogether referred to as “Services” or each one as “Service”), in accordance with the terms and conditions as presented in detail in the next paragraph 10.2. 

10.2. Registration and Connection to the Platform

In order to have access to the Platform so as to use the Services, you must first be certified by entering your TIN, your Customer Code as well as your date of birth. You will then be asked to provide a valid personal e-mail address, which has not already been used fort the registration of another User, as well as to create a login password which should consist of 8 to 20 latin characters without spaces, with at least one capital letter, at least one number and at least one symbol. Once the registration process is completed you will receive in the e-mail address you have declared a confirmation e-mail with a link on which you must click to activate your account in the Platform. 

After your registration, you are connected to the Platform by entering the abovementioned e-mail address and your personal password.

Quant stores all the information you have entered for your registration, your connection and your actions on its systems, except for your password even if you have chosen for it to be saved when you log in to the Platform. 

Users are solely responsible for the security of their password, as well as for any action, authorised or not, is performed in their capacity as Users of the Platform. 

You have the obligation and responsibility to keep your personal login password secret, not to give your password to other Users and to inform us immediately in case of illegal use of your account through the contact methods mentioned at the end of the Terms of Use.

If you forget your password, you can reset it, when you log in to the Platform by clicking on the indication “Forgot your password?”. Then you enter the e-mail address and your TIN, you receive an e-mail with the indication “Reset Password ” and the link in the text of the message refers you to the page where you re-define a password. 

10.3. Available Services provided through the Platform

After entering the Platform, the following Services are provided, depending on the information registered for you and as long as the Service selected by you is available for your account (s), selecting the respective fields from the side menu:

  1. To see your account or accounts and related transactions, i.e. check your balance,  your recent payments. Please note that the detailed transactions of your account are not displayed. Please contact us for detailed transactions of your account. 
  2. To make a payment (with or without registration to the Platform).
  3. To set a promise to pay for an outstanding payment of your debt.
  4. To make a new settlement of your debt, i.e. create a settlement plan to clear your outstanding balance. 
  5. To ask to be called by one of our representatives.
  6. To change your contact numbers.

In more detail, the Services:

I. Display of your Accounts and Transactions

We inform you that the display of the debts presented in the fields “Accounts” and “Transactions” concerns debts included in the portfolio managed by Quant Asopus LP, PILLAR FINANCE DAC, LOUSIOS Limited or ABS Metexelixis S.A.

In order to review your accounts, you select the field “Account” field from the side menu of the Platform. Your default account is initially displayed and, if you have more than one accounts, you can select from the field “Switch Account” any account you wish. The information displayed regarding the selected account indicates the legal beneficiary of the claim arising from the debt, the balance of the account, the overdue amount of the debt and your relationship as a borrower or guarantor to the due claim.

In order to review your transactions, select the field “Transactions” from the side menu of the Platform. In case you have more than one accounts, your default account is initially displayed, and if you wish you select the field “Switch Account”, from which you select whichever of your accounts you want and your payments are displayed regarding the debt associated with the selected account.     

In the list of transactions the following are indicated: the type (payment or reversal) of the transaction, the value of the transaction, the date, as well as  further information about the transaction. The list of transactions includes the payments you make through the Platform as well as the payments you have made in any other way, i.e. payment at a bank branch or via web banking.

II. Payment

Payments are made only by using a debit card (for free). 

To make a payment, as long as you are registered and connected to the Platform, you have to select the corresponding account and then the field “Make a Payment”. 

Also, without requiring your registration to the Platform,  you can make a faster payment directly from the home page Select the field “Proceed in payment”. A pop-up window will appear on your screen titled “Make a payment” where you have to be identified by entering your TIN, your Customer Code and your date of birth. Then select the field “Please tick to confirm you have read and accepted our Terms of Useand the Personal Data Protection Policy” and then the field “Make Payment”. Given that the information you have entered is correct, the accounts to which you are a debtor or guarantor will be displayed and you can proceed to payment. Select the account in respect of which you wish to proceed with payment and then the field “Make Payment”.    

Then, for both of the above payment options, a pop-up window will appear on your screen entitled “Card Payment”, where your balance is indicated and enter the payment amount. 

By selecting “Continue” you are transferred to the secure environment of Everypay Payment Services SA (hereinafter “Everypay”). Everypay is a Payment Institution, supervised by the Bank of Greece lawfully licensed (Resolution No 280/3/23.7.2018, Government Gazette Issue No B 3010/25.7.2018). It is certified according to PCI DSS Level 1 (

Then the payment form appears which has to be completed, where you enter the debit card number, its expiry date, the name of the holder and the three-digit verification code (cvv). After carefully completing all of the above, you must click on the field “Continue” in order for authentication to take place through your Bank and for the payment to be completed. 

The debit of the card is carried out as soon as the data and its validity are checked and certified. It is clarified that you are solely responsible for the correct recording and the truth of your card details. 

Once your payment has been approved by Everypay, you receive an e-mail with the indication “Payment Receipt” indicating, inter alia, the amount, date and time of payment. Please note that if you select the payment method without registering to the Platform, you will not receive a message. 

Please note that your debit card details are not stored by Quant and Everypay.  

Please note that it often takes at least 2 business days for the payment to appear on the Platform. 

It is reminded that regardless of the payments which you make through the Platform, you can make payments through the network of Bank branches and through web banking, to the same accounts that make payments paid until today, as we have informed you.

III. Promise of payment

The possibility to make a promise to pay is given to you as long as there is no promise to pay already registered in your account. 

To make a promise to pay, you select at first the account corresponding to the debt to which you intend to set a payment, and then the field “Schedule Payment “. You set the amount and date you intend to pay. Payment can be made through the Platform or through the other above mentioned payment methods. You will receive an e-mail marked “ Promise to pay confirmation” indicating the amount and date of payment you selected. 

Finally, you can see the date and amount of the promise to pay by selecting the relevant account as described above.

IV. Debt settlement

Selecting from the side menu ” Settlement Offers” we suggest more than one repayment plans of your  debts depending on the overdue amount on the specific date. By selecting one of the plans, you will be asked to select from a list the source of funds with which you will repay your  settlement amount, as well as to confirm that compliance with the plan you have chosen is within your financial capabilities and that you have provided or you will provide Quant with the necessary supporting documents / data.

Then, you receive an e-mail marked “Discount Payment Plan Confirmation” ” indicating the payment amount, the frequency of payments, the date and the payment method.

In order to get the final approval from Quant so as for the terms of the repayment plan to come into force, you must send the necessary supporting documents of the source of funds you have chosen. 

After the repayment plan is activated, the information of the  account under settlement and the repayment plan with a discount will be displayed on the home page, where you can see the date and the amount of the next installment, the periodicity of the installments, as well as the due amount as each time shaped.

V. Call from our representative

At the bottom of the Platform, by selecting the field “Request Callback”, you enter the number you want us to call you, the reason and the time you want to receive a call from a Quant representative.

VI. Update of contact details

The Platform also provides the service for updating your contact details, telephone numbers and e-mail address.

From the side menu of the Platform select “Contact Details”. 

Enter the new contact details and then select the field “Update”. Your mobile phone number must start from “69” and your home landline number from “2”.  

To change your e-mail address, enter your new e-mail address and select the field “Update”. You will receive a confirmation message in your new e-mail address, where, by clicking on the link, it will be activated. Please note that after the change you will use your new e-mail address to enter the Platform.

Please note that your contact address and ID card number cannot be updated through the Platform. To update them, as well as work telephone numbers, international telephone numbers, or if you encounter a problem with updating your data, you should contact us as described at the end of the Terms of Use.

10.4. Deletion from the Platform

You can be deleted from the Platform at any time by contacting Quant at You fully understand and agree that upon your deletion from the Platform, your right of access to the Platform will cease and as a result it will not be possible to provide to you the Services provided through it. However, all the actions you performed using the Services (such as payments, debt settlement, etc.) until your deletion remain in force and are kept for as long as required by law and, to a minimum, until the completion of our business relationship.   

Quant reserves the right to modify its Services as well as  to restrict or impede your access to all or part of them. It may also proceed with your deletion from the Platform in case of false, inaccurate or incomplete statements to us or to our representatives and partners or if any breach of the Terms of Use is found. 

11. Applicable law 

These Terms of Use are governed by greek law, the law of the european union and the relevant international treaties. The g Courts of Athens have the exclusive jurisdiction to resolve  any dispute which may arise from the use and application of the Webpage and the Platform, as long as it is not resolved amicably. 

 12. Language

The Terms of Use have been drafted in greek and subsequently translated into english. The original and authentic version of the terms is the one in greek. In the event that any differences arise between the greek and english versions of the Terms of Use, the version of the Terms of Use in greek shall prevail.

13. Amendment of the Terms of Use

Quant has the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice, by announcing the relevant amendments via its Website and notifies you of any material changes, clearly indicating the  amendment or amendments for a period of at least two (2) weeks on the Webpage and on the Platform. Please check the Quant Website at regular intervals for any amendments to the Terms of Use. 

As long as you continue to use the Webpage and the Platform after the new Terms of Use have been posted, it means that you fully and unconditionally accept the amendments.

If one or more provisions of the Terms of Use is deemed invalid on the basis of  law, regulatory provisions or by a court decision, the other provisions will remain in full force and effect.

14. More information

Last update: December 2022